5MB) Use NZ. 2018 Census ethnic group summaries – CSV (zipped file, 2. Distribution of homeless population Auckland New Zealand 2018 by ethnicity. 2013 Census data is available from our table-building tool NZ. 5MB) Use NZ. This is the official count by Stats NZ of how many people and. These tables provide data for ethnic groups at all levels of the ethnicity classification. Quick stats about New Zealand from the 2018 Census. Or get data for each major ethnic group: European; Māori; Pacific Peoples; Asian; MELAA (Middle. Dwelling mould indicator and tenure of household, 2018 Census; Individual home ownership and ethnic group (grouped total responses) by age group and sex, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses. There have been 34 censuses since 1851. Age group: The response rate from 2018 Census forms was 84. Download all data found in the 2018 Census place summaries: 2018 Census place summaries – CSV (zipped file, 38. 2018 Census place summaries – 2018 Census data about New. 48 million in. Statistics New Zealand defines ethnicity as ‘the ethnic group or groups that people identify with or feel they belong to’ and ‘a measure of cultural affiliation, as opposed to race,. This demographic attribute is self-perceived, and a person can belong to more than one ethnic group. The question provides a number of ethnic group response options, along with an “Other” category accompanied by a free-text field where people can write in their ethnicity if it is not. 2% European (3,297,860 people)2018 Census statistics for Wellington City: population, ethnicity, religion, languages spoken, birthplace, cigarette smoking, disability, education, work, income. These tables provide data for ethnic groups at all levels of the ethnicity classification. Total - New Zealand by District Health Board: 3,160,371: 3,376,419: 3,776,355: Data extracted on 23 Jul 2023 16:25 UTC (GMT) from NZ. 8MB) 2018 Census ethnic group summaries – Microsoft Excel (zipped file, 13. To trace individual ethnic identification across censuses, data from the New Zealand Longitudinal Census (NZLC) is used. For more information visit the official census website: If you have a question about the 2023 Census, or any previous census, you can email us on: [email protected] to view and download 2018 Census data. Find statistics from the 2013 Census about the different ethnic groups living in New Zealand. Find statistics from the 2013 Census about iwi and iwi groupings. 5MB) Use NZ. Find out the number of people in New Zealand and in different areas of New Zealand. 2018 Census statistics for Avondale South (Auckland): population, ethnicity, religion, languages spoken, birthplace, cigarette smoking, disability, education, work. Ethnicity, culture, and identity. 03 September 2020. 3% of New Zealand's population. This dataset contains sex by ethnic group (grouped total responses), for the census usually resident population count, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses for urban rural areas. 20 November 2020. . 0% since the 2013 census. Download all data found in the 2018 Census place summaries: 2018 Census place summaries – CSV (zipped file, 38. 9% were sourced from administrative data, while the. The ethnicity section of the 2023 Census. Find statistics from the 2013 Census about the different ethnic groups living in New Zealand. Stat to view and download 2018 Census data. 2%, Yue 1. Subscribe to our Census Advisory newsletter to receive regular updates about our work. These tables provide data for ethnic groups at all levels of the ethnicity classification. 8MB) 2018 Census ethnic group summaries – Microsoft Excel (zipped file, 13. There are two main islands: the North Island and the South Island. Published by Statista Research Department , Jan 3, 2023. For many New Zealanders of European descent, the decision to omit the ‘Pākehā’ category on the 2023 Census has. Download all data found in the 2018 Census place summaries: 2018 Census place summaries – CSV (zipped file, 38. [1] This is an increase of 235,890 people (50. 8 percent of households, but by 2018, homeownership had fallen to 64. 2018 Census statistics for Lower Hutt City: population, ethnicity, religion, languages spoken, birthplace, cigarette smoking, disability, education, work, income. Population of this report. For any specific questions on the Census 2018 data, please contact Statistics New Zealand toll. Statistics New Zealand categorises ethnicities into four levels, as outlined on this page, allowing for collecting. Get data for all New Zealand. 2018 Census statistics for Hawke's Bay Region: population, ethnicity, religion, languages spoken, birthplace, cigarette smoking, disability, education, work, income. 5MB) 2018 Census place summaries – Microsoft Excel (zipped file, 243MB) Use NZ. The five largest ethnic groups in New Zealand are New Zealand. In total, 213 ethnic groups were identified in the census, whereas there are 196 countries recognised by Statistics New Zealand. 5MB) Use NZ. Ethnicity is a key census variable, with the data informing major decisions across New Zealand. Mental wellbeing scores on the WHO-5 wellbeing index averaged 61 out of 100 for those in houses with major problems, and 67 out of 100 for those in houses without. 2 per cent of the population identified as European and 16. 2018 Census statistics for Queenstown-Lakes District: population, ethnicity, religion, languages spoken, birthplace, cigarette smoking, disability, education, work. 1% came from partial forms (i. 2018 Census statistics for Wellington Region: population, ethnicity, religion, languages spoken, birthplace, cigarette smoking, disability, education, work, income. nz. 2018 Census statistics for Ashburton District: population, ethnicity, religion, languages spoken, birthplace, cigarette smoking, disability, education, work, income. 79. Ethnicity is self-perceived and a person can belong to more than one ethnic group. Statistics on the effects of COVID-19, as well as updates on confirmed and delayed releases, are listed on our release calendar . But to get the highest-quality data, we will use a 'combined census methodology'. The next census in 2018 will be significantly modernised, including an online completion target of 70 percent and re-use of administrative data to support collection and processing. Condition onset flag values. It also has a much higher percentage of Asian people than anywhere else in New Zealand. 2018 Census place summaries – 2018 Census data about New. High-level findings for people with Māori ethnicity . 5MB) Use NZ. 2018 Census place summaries – 2018 Census data about New. “Inf” value is replaced by “C” in the following files:New Zealand has a diverse ethnic mix. The Index of historical census questions is a summary of the questions asked about individuals and dwellings in the European, Māori, and general New Zealand censuses since 1851. 6%) since the 2006 census. 29 January 2015, 10:45am. Subnational ethnic population projections indicate the future population living in New Zealand’s 16 regional council areas (regions), 67 territorial authority areas (TAs), and 21 Auckland local board areas (LBAs), for four broad and overlapping ethnic groups: ‘European or Other (including New Zealander)’, Māori, Asian, and Pacific. 0 percent for New Zealand as a whole. 2%) and imputation (8. Continuing to meet critical information needs must underpin decisions on the future of census. Stats about the population by region, district, and smaller areas. [2021 Census, ABS] Median Age. These areas include regions, cities and towns, local board areas, and area units/Statistical Area 2. 2018 Census statistics for Manawatū-Whanganui Region: population, ethnicity, religion, languages spoken, birthplace, cigarette smoking, disability, education, work. From the New Zealand data, you can select data by regional council, territorial authority (cities and districts), Auckland local board, and statistical area 2 (small. 1% came from partial forms (i. Latest reports and publications from the 2018 Census. Latest reports and publications from the 2018 Census. Tables contain 2018, 2013, and 2006 Census data. A substantial 86. 2018 Census place summaries – 2018 Census data about New. Find out the number of people in New Zealand and in different areas of New. 2018 Census statistics for Tararua District: population, ethnicity, religion, languages spoken, birthplace, cigarette smoking, disability, education, work, income. Note: Data about people is based on the census usually resident population count. 2018 Census ethnic group summaries – CSV (zipped file, 2. Some of the increase between the 2013 and 2018 census was due to Statistics New Zealand adding ethnicity data from other sources (previous censuses, administrative data, and imputation) to the 2018. 5MB) 2018 Census place summaries – Microsoft Excel (zipped file, 243MB) Use NZ. Stat. 5MB) Use NZ. 2 percent) had no religion, compared. Delivering better outcomes together: Policies that reflect our diverse cultures. Find stats about the population by region, city or district, Auckland local board area, and statistical area 2 (small area). Find stats about the population by region, city or district, Auckland local. 18 June 2020, 12:00pm. Topics include population, ethnicity, religion, health, employment, income, education, and housing. More than 2 million New Zealanders say they have no religion, Stats NZ said today. 2018 Census statistics for Waikato Region: population, ethnicity, religion, languages spoken, birthplace, cigarette smoking, disability, education, work, income. These tables provide data for ethnic groups at all levels of the ethnicity classification. 03 September 2020. 5MB) Use NZ. Stats NZ can provide prioritised ethnicity data as a customised request. Stat to view and download 2018 Census data. These tables provide data for ethnic groups at all levels of the ethnicity classification. These tables provide data for ethnic groups at all levels of the ethnicity classification. Condition onset flag. 2018 Census statistics for Matamata-Piako District: population, ethnicity, religion, languages spoken, birthplace, cigarette smoking, disability, education, work. Data tools. Find information about the amount of income earned by people in Devonport-Takapuna Local Board Area in the 12 months ended 31 March 2018. Latest reports and publications from the 2018 Census. In the 2018 census, 1,571,718 persons declared themselves as residents of the region – an increase of 156,178 people or 11. 8MB) 2018 Census ethnic group summaries – Microsoft Excel (zipped file, 13. The condition onset flag (COF) is a means of differentiating those conditions which arise during, from those arising before, an admitted episode of care. 2018 Census data will be used to update population estimates and projections in early 2020. 4%). 10. These questions are recommended for use across the public service where appropriate to standardise respondents’ experience and ensure data is comparable. 8MB) 2018 Census ethnic group summaries – Microsoft Excel (zipped file, 13. 03 September. These tables provide data for ethnic groups at all levels of the ethnicity classification. Initializing application. In the 2018 Census, 2,264,601 people in the census usually resident population count reported they had no religion. A Census NZ spokesperson said people were able to provide their actual ethnicity on the census form, which meant statistical data could be provided for different ethnicities within MELAA. Latest reports and publications from the 2018 Census. In New Zealand there is limited and conflicting evidence on ethnic inequities for patients with stroke. 2018 Census ethnic group summaries – CSV (zipped file, 2. 5% of the Canadian population recorded their ethnic origins as Canadian, very similar to the proportion recording New Zealander ethnicity in the 1986 New Zealand census. Why is ethnicity information important?2018 Census statistics for Hamilton City: population, ethnicity, religion, languages spoken, birthplace, cigarette smoking, disability, education, work, income. 0 Māori. The NZHS and GSS use the standard NZ Population Census ethnicity question that allows people to self-identify their ethnic group or groups. As the recently completed Review of the Measurement of Ethnicity noted, ethnicity continues to be a “vital demographic and social variable” in New Zealand (Statistics New Zealand 2004:6). We combined data from the census forms with administrative data to create the 2018 Census dataset, which meets Stats NZ’s quality criteria for population structure information. Projections describe trends to show what the population may be like in future. August 2020 . Find statistics that count and describe people in New Zealand who are in paid employment, unemployed, and not in the labour force. 3 53. 0. These tables provide data for ethnic groups at all levels of the ethnicity classification. 6%) since the 2013 census, and an increase of 210,507 people (37. 5 per cent as Māori. 5New Zealand - New Zealand - Maori, Polynesian, Pacific: Contemporary New Zealand has a majority of people of European origin, a significant minority of Māori, and smaller numbers of people from Pacific islands and Asia. 10. 8MB) 2018 Census ethnic group summaries – Microsoft Excel (zipped file, 13. 0. The number of Pacific People has grown significantly At the 2018 Census there were 243,978 usual2018 Census statistics for Gisborne Region: population, ethnicity, religion, languages spoken, birthplace, cigarette smoking, disability, education, work, income. Yet despite these discussions, Baehler (2002:27) argues that in New Zealand there is a “pent-up demand for dialogue on the broad subject of ethnicity and what it means for national identity and public policy”. Latest reports and publications from the 2018 Census. 2018 Census ethnic group summaries – CSV (zipped file, 2. West Coast (32,148) The 2013 New Zealand census was the thirty-third national census. Key facts. Population statistics give you information about people who live in New Zealand. Data and statistics. Census Ethnic05 V2 2018 CENSV2. 2018 Census place summaries – 2018 Census data about New. Census: Ethnic group (detailed total response - level 3) and religious affiliation (total responses) by sex, for the census usually resident population count 2018. Topics include population, birthplace, ethnicity, health, employment, income, and education. Power Distance. 5. Stat to view and download 2018 Census data. Ethnicity is self perceived and people can belong to more than one ethnic group. The 2023 Census questions are in two census forms. 10. If you are staying in a non-private dwelling on census night (somewhere that offers temporary or communal accommodation, such as a hotel, hospital, or retirement home), you will not. 9 percent. Find statistics from the 2013 Census about the different ethnic groups living in New Zealand. However, with the exception of Kukutai (2004, 2008), little research has been conducted on ethnic self-prioritisation.